
Add Content to a Text Frame

So far our javascript does two simple things, it adds a new Indesign file and it saves the file to disk.
#target indesign

To add content to a text frame, we firstly need to create the text frame. If we were doing it by hand, we would:
  1. use the Type Tool to add a text frame
  2. set the dimensions of the text frame by how big we drag the frame out
  3. type something into the text frame

Add a text frame and set it's size

To add the text frame via scripting, we use the textFrames.add() method, and set its size with geometricBounds: [top, left, bottom, right], where top, left, bottom and right are the dimensions of the text frame.


Add Content

To make our code easier to read, let's assign a variable name to the text frame we just created. Like this:
var myFrame = app.documents[0].pages[0].textFrames[0];

So to place content into myFrame, use

myFrame.contents = "Hello world";

Here is the complete script

Next up I'll show how to import a Word file.

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